Catholic Women’s League
St. Teresa Catholic Women’s League was started shortly after the parish began. The Christian Mothers was a forerunner to the CWL. However, the founding pastor believed the Parish should have one organization for the men and one for the women. This worked out well because there were not enough people to have a second women’s group so the ladies opted for the Catholic Women’s League.
In the early days of the parish there were many young families with several children so the men’s group, the Holy Name Society, worked closely with the ladies to have rummage sales on the parking lot and to serve hot suppers which were ordered ahead of time, picked up and taken home. Catholic women in the parish have always been very active doing such jobs as cleaning the rectory, making curtains, painting and decorating, spring cleaning the church, collecting and sending clothes to the missions, craft and bake sales, Mother/Daughter Communion Breakfasts, Twilight Retreats, etc. Some of the activities that are carried on today started in those early years and continue. Our very active quilting group was an offshoot of the Catholic Women’s League, as are the Altar Society and the Funeral Luncheon Committee.
Importance of belonging to the League: We are part of a larger group of women who represent our Catholic faith and who speak for us at the government level on important issues. The CWL also makes recommendations to the government on our behalf. We benefit from the prayers and Masses offered for the members of the Catholic Women’s League.
The Patroness of the Catholic Women’s League is Our Lady of Good Counsel.